Yireh Center was started with the volunteer movement, Good News to the Refugees(GNR), in July of 2014. The Good News to the Refugees Movement emphasizes the Three Chances(3C).
First, Good News provides a Chance of Education to the refugees.
Refugees can receive a basic education and acquire IT skills through our self-study program. This teaches them to self-study and continue growing in their education in their respective area of study wherever they are at, whether at home or away
Second, Good News provides a Chance of Bread. We are concerned about the children and the youth.
Many of them live in impoverished conditions and do not receive the necessary food and nutrients that they need. So, we are trying to give practical help to the homes whose children and youth are attending Yireh Center.
We are giving them chances to buy their daily items including bread with the BIM market voucher, which is one of the biggest chain markets in Turkey.
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Third, Good News is to provide a chance to get a job for the refugees.
No one ends up as a refugee because they wanted to live off of someone else’s help. They became refugees regardless of their own will. Although they are in need and appreciate help from others, most of them want to work for their own living without others’ help. So we are trying to provide them with a chance to get jobs, such as introducing them to work in the used items store.
No one ends up as a refugee because they wanted to live off of someone else’s help. They became refugees regardless of their own will. Although they are in need and appreciate help from others, most of them want to work for their own living without others’ help. So we are trying to provide them with a chance to get jobs, such as introducing them to work in the used items store.